I almost did the impossible this morning, I almost woke up!
I’m not kidding either!
Oh yeah, I always thought that it was impossible to wake up. I mean you can’t wake down, wake left or right either, what makes you think you can wake up? Wouldn’t that mean you woke on the ceiling?
That would be really scary!
Well this morning it felt like my head was on the ceiling when I awoke! Some stupid sinus crap got a hold of me and it’s the kind that makes your head seem really big and heavy! Since my brain is the first thing to awaken, and it’s stored in my skull, it really felt like my head was huge and touching the ceiling, getting ready to fall to the floor! I’d rather wake down, if that means waking already on the floor that is! All you really can do though, is awaken, and hope to god you're still in your bed and not on the ceiling!
Of course this odd sensation could have happened because I watched another movie last night about Quantum Physics and how time began, making my brain feel smarter and swell up! Science is a wonderful thing, it helps us measure how ignorant we are! Ignorance isn’t stupidity however; being ignorant is realizing that you do NOT know it all; being stupid is thinking that you DO know it all and that of course is just… well that’s just stupid!
So you’ll be glad to know that I'm not as ignorant today as I was yesterday!
Your welcome!
With that said, I HAVE been stupid a few times in my life, and really, really stupid a couple of times, but I'm not stupid right now, so it’s all good, you can relax and keep reading![/ezcol_1half]
Quantum Physics, for me at least, is a very interesting concept. If you don’t know anything about it you should search for it on YouTube and watch a couple videos on it, learning how ignorant you really are is very good for you, it helps keep you from becoming stupid!
Umm… you may want to wrap your head with duct tape for the remainder of this article, just in case your brain swells too far and your head explodes!
In the movie I watched, and no, I don’t remember the name of it silly, they said that studying Quantum Physics has allowed them to understand that time began at the very moment of the Big Bang, and that before that there was no time…
Hmmm… now I’m starting to feel a little ignorance coming on, but not to the point of stupidity… yet! I’m thinking that the “measurement” of time may have started at the Big Bang, but time itself has always been there, waiting for something to happen! Time was probably in charge of making sure nothing blew up and wasn’t paying attention one day and… BANG!!!... our universe was created!
Bad timing? Hahaha!
So, if billions of years ago, Time screwed up like that, then that could explain why I'm late all the time! Hey anything is possible!
Well, maybe not everything, I mean if some assbag you pissed off tells you to watch your back… that IS impossible!