[ezcol_1half] When visiting my Geezer, Pops, we often just sit and watch old black and white movies, mostly because that’s all he can do! He’s in the advanced Geezer stage

[ezcol_1half] When visiting my Geezer, Pops, we often just sit and watch old black and white movies, mostly because that’s all he can do! He’s in the advanced Geezer stage
[ezcol_1half] I’ve got the GOOD news and I’ve got the REALLY GOOD news, I’ve got the BAD news, and I’ve got the REALLY BAD news too! Which do you want
[ezcol_1half] Well the final phase of Hallothanksmas is upon us and I’m going to ‘Call It Like It Is’! Merry Hallothanksmas Part 3! While some call it the Christmas season
[ezcol_1half] (1.) In no event shall I, Snarp Farkle, be liable for any direct, indirect, far-reaching, major, minor, special, dim-witted, disciplinary, come down like a ton of bricks on, or
[ezcol_1half] A hundred years ago when I was a kid, Halloween wasn’t as acceptable, or should I say, as profitable as it is today! You didn’t find Halloween yard crap