“Some of them get a little squeamish if a little snot gets through!” he says. Needless to say enough money was raised to pay for Eve’s radiation therapy. Then Jyoti

“Some of them get a little squeamish if a little snot gets through!” he says. Needless to say enough money was raised to pay for Eve’s radiation therapy. Then Jyoti
[ezcol_1half] “I’m not kidding either!!!” ~Snarp Farkle A few years ago I wrote an article titled “We’re All Gonna Die!” It was all about my somewhat twisted belief
“So many minds… so little time!” ~Snarp Farkle [ezcol_1half] I’ve told this story before but one morning, a couple years ago, something happened that I shall never forget.
“I HATE IT WHEN THEY DO THAT!!!” ~Snarp Farkle [ezcol_1half] I was surprised to find that green is not the color that you are supposed to wear on St.
[ezcol_1half] “What would be the last thing you did just before you had the chance to think about what you would be doing after you realized that you really didn’t