I would like you to use your imaginations for a moment and imagine if you will, a world without imagination! What would be left? What would we do? How would we survive?
The answer is simple… there would be nothing, we would do nothing, we wouldn’t survive! Without imagination we could go several days without food or water, but we can only hold our breaths for a few minutes before we would drown, and if we sever a main artery we would bleed out in the matter of minutes!
What’s the answer? The answer is simple… use your imagination and pull your head out of the sink water so you can breathe, grab some toilet paper to stop the bleeding and go get something to eat! And for god’s sake, DO NOT shave drunk again!
Imagine THAT! Hahaha!
Now that may be an extreme example but I have a very extreme and vivid imagination! I’m not kidding either! My imagination is my friend and yours should be too! Well it should be your friend I mean. Not to say that our imaginations can’t be friends, I suppose they could be, just as long as yours isn’t getting in the way of mine!
My imagination moves pretty fast, and in all directions at the same time! If yours gets in the way and bumps into mine, knocking it into an ‘Imagination Hole’, which is a lot like a ‘Memory Hole’, then my world would come to a halt and I may not be able to write my next article! GASP!!
Imagine THAT! I know, right?
An ‘Imagination Hole’ is a little trickier to get out of than a ‘Memory Hole’, but at least you’ll still have your memory and sooner or later you will remember how to get out! Not so unlike falling into a ‘Memory Hole’, [/ezcol_1half]
even though you can’t remember how you got out before, you still have your imagination and sooner or later can figure a way out!
Now if you fall into the dreaded and hideous ‘Imagination Memory Hole’, you’re in big trouble, those puppies are really bad, like a nightmare on steroids!
Since you can’t imagine that you have a memory, and you can’t remember that you have an imagination, you’ll just go around in circles drooling on yourself, bumping your head into the walls over and over again because you can’t remember that you’ve already done that several times before and you can’t imagine why!
At first I thought maybe if we learned to drool faster and in greater quantity, the dreaded and hideous ‘Imagination Memory Hole’ would fill up with drool and we’d just float to the top and could swim ashore! But that wouldn’t work because we wouldn’t be able to imagine how to float or remember how to hold our breaths and would just drown in our own drool!
Hmmm… I’m starting to think that the dreaded and hideous ‘Imagination Memory Hole’ is probably just a HANGOVER!
Imagine THAT!
What’s the answer? The answer is simple…