[ezcol_1half]Don’t be afraid… I'm going to take control of your brain for a bit and don’t get jealous because the voices in your head start talking to me, I’ll give back your brain in a few minutes and you’ll be 10% smarter when I do and all the voices in your head will thank me in unison!
You're welcome!
Hmmm… control is a funny word, unless you're losing control which usually isn’t so funny, and gaining control is like trying to catch water to fill a bottle with your toes! Of course you can’t be in control until you’ve got some control, and if you don’t have any control then you must have lost control, and now you're out of control so you must take control because you can’t just go to a store and buy some!
I'm not kidding!
Once you take control you're back to having gained control so now you're back in control but very nervous that you might lose control again, so… you devise ways to keep control so you can sit back and laugh and laugh at how stupid you were acting when you lost control!
Of course that depends on how you took control to begin with because if you took someone else’s control you're not really in control at all but you think you are and you’ve just made someone else think they lost control and now you have become a control freak ass bag or… a politician! Control freaks, politicians and diapers have one thing in common; they should all be changed regularly, and for the same reason! Hahaha!
Now I understand that somebody needs to be in charge and take control in certain situations, like running the government or a company, [/ezcol_1half]and it’s these people we work for that we give control of our brains or our bodies to do things for them and in return they give us money!
Wait… that makes us control whores! Yeah we’re whores! We do things for them and they give us money! WHORES! WHORES! WHORES! WHORES! WHORES! We’re all control whores! Sorry I was on a roll and just had to go with it hahaha!
Now they're not supposed to keep controlling us after we leave for the day but it sure seems they do because if we don’t go back and let them take control again they’ll fire us and we’ll become control sluts giving up our control to the government control freaks and their programs to almost survive!
Hmm… let me see if I got this right, it seems to me that it’s ok if we let someone take control for a while so we can both benefit from a mutually agreed upon goal, but only if we are willing to give it to them for a while and they give it back. But if they just take control, without our consent to benefit themselves, then they probably aren’t thinking on giving it back!
These people are control freak ass bags and all I got to say to them is this; “You are a cursed butt kissing doormat who defiles the unsavory vat of vomit and are an annoying rectum and a pathetic fleck of llama spit!”
The funny thing about all this is I have the funny feeling that it’s going to strike me as funny that I find it funny that it's funny!
I think that means I’m… Out Of Control!
Okay, here’s your brain back!