Kinky is using a feather.
Perverted is using the whole chicken!
~Snarp Farkle
I just hate it when I buy something only to find after getting home, ripping all the labels off, discarding all the packaging and the receipt that it isn’t what I thought it was when I was buying it and I’m not kidding either! The shirt I bought for my son’s wedding was one of those moments, I didn’t even try it on until half hour before it was time to leave and it would have fit nice if were a pregnant walrus! Umm… wait… okay maybe I do resemble a pregnant walrus just a little, but I don’t have the big teeth and I wear slippers not flippers!
Sheesh, my OCD has been working on overtime once I saw pictures of what the shirt looked like on me, but oh well, it’s too late now ha-ha-ha! “Should have read the damn label” is probably what most of you are thinking but that’s not it, I pulled the label out of the trash and it was right size, the problem is that it was made in China and those people are like skinny stick people who don’t know how to make a shirt for a Fat-Boy-American! They can’t make rubber right either so for your own good, don’t buy Chinese condoms!
You just can’t rely on labels anymore no matter what they are for, like human labels, which I really dislike being labeled and it’s really hard for people to label me because I’m really out there… way out there and I like it that way! But we all do it; we have a built in characteristic to label things so we don’t waste time rethinking what we saw the next time we see it. Now it usually takes a few sightings before [/ezcol_1half]
you place a label on something, or someone, after a while you’ll use it and not even know you’re doing it!
Now since we don’t give a label for each different thing we see only once, this gives us the chance to experience something new all the time… well until we get older and think we’ve seen it all that is, then it just gets confusing because we’ve accumulated thousands of labels for things or people over the years and it’s too annoying to remember all of them, so we revert to the simple ones like; ‘stupid’ which can be used for a variety of things or people we encounter!
Human labels can be hurtful and cruel, or they can be nice, even if they fall into the naughty category, like ‘hottie’ or ‘sexy’, and I’ll admit those are my favorites when I encounter a hot sexy redhead… well a hot sexy any color head that is! Wait… that doesn’t sound right… hmm…
Doctors love to use labels, I can imagine two doctors talking to each other, and every other word is an alpha label! “Yeah, he’s got the OCD, ADD, MHD, and I’m little worried about his FBC.” “Oh no… not the FBC too, how are you treating him?” “With kid gloves, he’s so far out there; he thinks he’s from Pluto!”
So when you blurt out a label describing someone, just remember, read the label, it might not be what you thought it was when you labeled them and they might have some good ones for you too, I know I do!