I started watching the original Star Trek series lately and I found the old show still gets my attention even with the antiquated special effects. In one episode where the Enterprise went back in time, it still made me think that yesterday is tomorrow, or is that tomorrow is yesterday hmm… well something like that! Time travel is so messy, and that’s what makes me think it’s probably been done already seeing all the crap that’s going on in the world now, it would certainly solve the emergence of some very mysterious inventions, like shoe horns that don’t beep and triple-ply toilet paper!
We are all time travelers actually, the time it took you to read this far is already in the past and since you cannot anticipate what I’ll write through to the end of this article, you are trapped in that minuscule space between the past and the future that we call the present, yet slowly moving forward in time, with my guidance of course! But before you thank me for guiding you through space and time you should consider where I might lead you! Hahaha!
Isn't it funny that we can travel through the past at any given time we choose through memories but not the future? Why can’t we just reverse what we do to remember what we did to remember what we are going to do? Remember the future! I have remembered the future a few times for sure, like when I know I’ll poop my pants if I don’t go sit [/ezcol_1half]
on the crapper in a few minutes and it’s just as vivid a memory as the memory of when it happened in the past!
Just like some memories of the past are frightening, so are some memories of the future! When I remember that I’ll poop my pants if I don’t go sit on the crapper soon, I can also remember the stinking mess it’ll make and how I’ll have to brave the stench and clean it up getting my hands all poopy, that’s a friggen Futuremare!!
Remembering the future is tediously mind-numbing and is probably why most of you earthlings don’t even try, because by the time you finally think you have done it, it’s already in the past and you’d have to start all over again which will leave you with a mess on your hands… literally! But if you would have remembered the future when you first started reading this article, you would have realized that you were actually stepping aboard the Star Shit Entersurprise and were about to badly go where no man wants to go!
Snarp Trek!