[ezcol_1half]Happy Springy Fools Days… still! Yeah that’s right, it’s still pretending to be spring in our corner of the globe and more snow is predicted in the next couple days, sheesh! Oh… there are no corners on a globe but who cares! Hahaha!
Wait a minute… what the…? There’s a freaky ass kamikaze bird flying up and pecking at my window! He fly’s up from the ground, just below my window, pecks at my window then drops down again and repeats in a few seconds! This is really annoying; I’m trying to concentrate for god’s sake!
Closing the curtains didn’t deter it, opening the curtains didn’t deter it, standing by the window making silly faces at it didn’t deter it, yelling at it in my plutonian language, (which consists of several curse words and multiple ‘iggiddygaga’s’) didn’t discourage it either! Sheesh what the hell!
I’d sit down to type and it would do it again, and again, and again and again and again! This went on for over an hour, and the consistent hideous peck-peck-pecking was driving me crazy… er! I almost went outside with a broom to try to scare it off but then remembered the Alfred Hitchcock movie “Birds”, and decided not to push my luck!
Why is this repulsive insane creature peck-peck-pecking at my window? Since I couldn’t concentrate on my article anymore listening to this hideous peck-peck-pecking, I decided to go on the web to see if there was something about friggen peck-peck-pecking crazy window birds!
As you can imagine, this took me to some[/ezcol_1half] pretty weird sights that, in conclusion, didn’t help much at all. There’s no real answer to the phenomena only guesses. This has been happening for hundreds of years all over the place and I found everything from its fighting with its reflection to omens that someone is certain to die! Yeah, the bird is going to die if it doesn’t stop peck-peck-pecking at my window! I’m not kidding!
But wait… it stopped! No more peck-peck-pecking! It must be a mind reading hideous peck-peck-pecking crazy window bird too, it knew I had reached my limit and went away before I could go outside to broom him to death and burn his corpse! Sheesh that’s just crazy!
This isn’t the only time I've encountered crazy birds though. I've had the horror of plowing through a flock of them that decided to fly down to the road right in front of me! It was like hitting a giant feather pillow, POOF!, and feathers went flying everywhere, and then I could see their poor little mangled bodies flopping around on the road in my mirror! I felt bad for the stupid little guys, that is until I had to pry a couple of them out of my grill later! Stupid birds!
Then just a couple months ago I had a very large pterodactyl fly up out of a ditch while on a curve! It hit the front of my van and then the windshield, and then bounced off the windshield and bounced a few times across the top and side of the van leaving a streak of shit, guts, feathers and blood all over my windshield, imbedded in and under the wipers and left a streak of entrails and shit down the whole side of the van!
What the hell was that all about? Took me half an hour to clean all that up! Today’s crazy bird was probably just taunting me for the killing of his kindred species! That’s just crazy!