I was having a bad dream about waking up being crazy, but then I realized that I wasn’t even sleeping! So maybe my other dream wasn’t a dream either! Maybe I really did have to chew Pop’s Snickers for him and scoop it out of my mouth with his shoehorn! Oh god I hope not, have you ever smelled his feet!
I think I'm going to be sick! :-0
Just when I think I'm not completely unbalanced, my dirty underwear and one dirty sock follow me out to the kitchen! I'm not kidding either! Now I'm beginning to wonder if I lost weight and they just fell off, so I look down and no… no I am not naked, but there are my grundies and a sock lying on the floor by the stove! Spooky! Just how can screwy can this day get?
Never mind, I don’t really want to know, I kinda like being surprised by the crazy shit that seems to follow me everywhere! Well except crawling underwear and socks that is! That really creeped me out and I'm not kidding!
I know you all think I'm crazy, and I do believe I’ve ridden on the Crazy Train once in Chicago, but I've never ridden the short bus! And although I may be just a little unbalanced, touched in the head, unhinged because of a screw loose, and silly, kooky, wacky and nutty as a fruit cake, I'm not psycho, deranged, demented or out of my tree! Even though I have fallen out of a tree once, I don’t think that counts!
I'm not mad as a hatter, but if you push the right buttons I could be! I'm also not delirious, or a lunatic, but I have come unglued but [/ezcol_1half] not unzipped, I check that sucker constantly! I'm not out to lunch because lunch is over and I haven’t flipped out or gone berserk in over an hour!
So what if I'm a little crazy what’s the harm in that? At least I haven’t gone round the bend out of my unsound mind and don’t think I've ever been erratic, even though I may have delved into the erotic now and then, but I don’t think that’s quite the same!
I've overheard people talking about how I’m nuts, cuckoo, a screwball, bonkers, crazed, daft, dippy, flaky and idiotic! Oh yeah? Well sticks and stones can break my bones but your jealous schizoid name calling can never hurt me! Hahaha! That’s right, you’re jealous… jealous-jealous-jealous! And that’s ok, not everyone can be crazy, because that takes determination, willpower and guts!
It was people who were called crazy that invented things we couldn’t do without now, like toilet paper, forks, cars, computers, celphones and microwave ovens! So you see, thinking crazy isn’t such a bad thing, acting crazy on the other hand is a bad-bad thing! Unless you're like between 5 and 12, and/or between 70 and 90 then it’s ok, people think that’s n-n-n-normal!
It’s the n-n-n-normal people that screw things up for us crazy thinking people, they think their shit doesn’t stink, but I got news for them… all shit stinks!
If more people would think a little crazy now and then, the world would be a better place so by all means…