A couple years ago I had a bad bout of the ‘Bohemian Thogwart Dung Beatle’s Dung Flea’s Dust Disease’ on my right leg, at least that’s what I called it; the Doctors never did figure out what it was and couldn’t give it a name! So this of course put me into Science Fiction mode and I could then describe it as like a million microscopic Thogwart Dung Beatle Dung Fleas trying to eat the skin off my leg! It was a friggen nightmare right out of the Twilight Zone!
Finally, after 19,000 pills of various shapes and colors, IV’s, QV’s, AV’s, WV’s, EV’s and probably some BV’s, gave up 400 gallons of blood for testing, and had at least 250,000 X-rays, the doctor I’m seeing now called in a team from the Antarctic to take a core sample from my leg, which told him at least what it wasn’t! Well… I’m not actually seeing him… right now, that would mean I was crazy; I’m seeing my computer screen as I’m typing and I’m not kidding either!
Anyways, after analyzing the chunk of meat he took out of my leg he still didn’t know what it was, just some sort of skin bacteria that got infected, something he’s never encountered before… huh, imagine that! At least then he was able to give me some magic ointment, which I cannot pronounce the name of, so I just simply call it the; ‘Anti Bohemian Thogwart Dung Beatle’s Dung Flea’s Dung Dust Ointment’ and it got rid of the ‘Thogwart Dung Beetle’s Dung Flea’s Dung Dust’ that was infecting my leg and that’s all I care about!
Of course I was in SciFi mode when I came up [/ezcol_1half] with the name for this hideous affliction and there’s no truth to the rumor that I’m always in SciFi mode, I check into reality from time to time just to make sure I haven’t turned n-n-n-n-normal and so far I have not! N-n-n-n-normal people get n-n-n-n-normal illnesses and have pieces and parts removed or radiated to get rid of them! I think I’m better of right here in my own little world, where once in a while I run into some weird or unknown SciFi affliction and get to name it myself!
Once I give the weird or unknown SciFi affliction a name, it seems then a friggen cure of some sort comes about like out of a cosmic chicken soup and all is good! With that thought in mind, I’m going to name my newest weird and unknown SciFi affliction, which started a couple months ago. It’s some sort of ‘Falling Down Disease’ where I feel like I’m going to fall down… all the time… but I don’t, as of yet anyways!
Again the doctor doesn’t know what it is and all the conventional n-n-n-n-n-normal things aren’t working, and I’m walking around like a drunken sailor, so I’m giving it a friggen name so it will go away, I’m going to call it… umm… ‘Vertigignasticdown Syndrone’, yeah I like that one, and anyone afflicted would be ‘Vertigoismatic’!
There… now go the hell away, and leave me upright… please and thank you!