Spring is missing in action! Once again I have to iterate that spring is supposed to transform the earth from cold to warm! It was still cold and snowy all the way through the end of April! Where did spring go this year?
Instead of earthquakes and tsunamis, we got damn tornados, storms and stinking floods wreaking havoc across the nation… again! Mother Nature has been very mean to us this year… what a bitch!
Enough of the nature crap already!
Speaking of floods there also appears to be this weird downpour of drama going on everywhere. People all over seem to be all pissy at each other and flipping lips are running wild in the streets! Uh-oh… Johnny Lapushski doesn’t like the way Billy Jo Poparakkofus drools when she’s eating Cheerios! Then there’s the ‘he said’ ‘she said’ crap… WHO CARES? Sheesh!
Enough of the drama crap already!
Now what about this continuing gasoline price gouging crap? First they tried to make us believe that Libya supplied us with so much oil that without their supply we couldn’t sustain ourselves, now what? Food prices too, I suppose the price of a loaf of bread is somehow affected by Martian dust storms? Well at least one thing is still more expensive than gasoline… laundry detergent is still in the lead at about $10 a gallon!
Enough of the price gouging crap already!
I read recently that balding men have more testosterone and thus have a higher sex drive! WooHoo! Well as it turns out, balding men do produce more testosterone and men who lose their testicles before their hair falls out will never go bald! Hmmm… so does this mean if I cut off my testicles my hair will grow back? [/ezcol_1half]
Just wondering…
Enough of the balding crap already!
Sharks and giant man eating fishy type critters still being found in fresh water rivers and lakes is a little disturbing too. There goes Mother Nature screwing around with things again! Well I suppose it could take such a boring pastime as fishing and make it a little more interesting. Yeah, instead of worrying about the fish swallowing the bait you better be worried about the fish swallowing you!
Enough of the screwing with nature crap already!
Donald Trump really is president and I’m not kidding either! Well we might as well get used to him being in there, he certainly has shaken things up a bit, in a stupid way sure but those real p-p-politicians are dropping like flies! He fits right in with his comb over hairdo and his hottie little wifeypoo, at least she gives us something pleasant to look at while watching him screw things up even more!
I mean it really doesn’t matter whose elected president anymore, it’s so obvious, to thinking humans anyways, that they can put any dufus in office that they want!
Enough of the politician crap already!
~ Snarp