Thinking is something we do about 70,000 times a day, (so we’re told), and thoughts travel at the rate of… well there seems to be a controversy over how fast our thoughts travel. Let’s investigate, shall we?
The PHDuds, (that’s a PHD that can’t think outside the box); say nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Then they go into great detail how the brain processes thought, making the assumption that thoughts are biologically based.
The PHDudes, (that’s a PHD that CAN think outside the box… sometimes); say thoughts CAN travel faster than the speed of light. Then they go into great detail how the sun takes 8.6 seconds to reach the earth but we can think of the sunlight reaching the earth in a fraction of a second, so thoughts are faster. The PHDuds hammer at the PHDudes logic until the PHDude just climbs back into the box and concedes defeat. PUSSYS!
Here’s some Snarp Logic on this whole thing. You can take a nerve cell out of a man’s brain and put it in my hand, and please don’t, but you cannot take a thought out of a man’s brain and put it in my hand.
The brain is just a vessel that collects the thought and determines how to process it. The brain’s processing procedure of the thought is not the thought, the thought came first! Sooooo… thoughts are not biological, and cannot be compared using the same logic as used in the measurement of the speed of light… PERIOD!
Now all you PHDuds and PHDudes can just climb back into your little box, and here’s some duct tape, let me just seal that thing up for you!
And while you’re in there think about this; the words moron, imbecile, and idiot are not[/ezcol_1half]
However the one with the highest level of intelligence is a moron, followed, by an imbecile, and then an idiot, take your pick!
Sheesh… and these are the kind of guys that are teaching our youth? God help us!
As you may be able to tell this is a pet peeve of mine. I like thinking, and no matter how hard I might try I cannot stop thinking, and neither can you! We even think in our sleep! So in order to be able to say to someone… “I have a thought!” would mean that you somehow managed to reach in to that collection of 70,000 ”+” thoughts, moving FASTER than the speed of light, and picked one out!
I have a hard time picking out something to wear… it could take hours! But if I have a thought then that means… I’m a friggen genius! Woohoo!
Here’s some more Snarp Logic for you.
You cannot think that you are thinking!
If you think that you are thinking, you really only think that you're thinking! And you cannot know that you are thinking about thinking, because if you think you know that you are thinking about thinking, aren’t you really just thinking you know that you are thinking about thinking?
See, that just goes to show you, it’s never too late to learn something stupid, and if stupidity got us into this mess…
Well then why can't it get us out?